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Up Déjeuner.

Expansion of Customer Zone.

Our effort has focused on expanding the customer zone of the web platform of up-dejeuner.sk. As part of this project, we ensured the transition from the original single product to a multi-product solution. The main challenge was first to thoroughly understand the existing system. After a detailed analysis, we made key modifications to enable the system to support a wider range of products seamlessly. This transformation also included the integration of a new product, Shell, which brings new possibilities and expands the range of services offered.

Integration of the New Product.

As part of expanding the original system into a multi-product solution, we also integrated a new product - the Shell fuel card. This product required the creation of new pages that seamlessly fit the look and user interface of the existing solution. One of the new pages, for example, provides an overview of issued Shell cards and allows their management, including temporary card blocking. Another table presents a list of completed transactions.

As part of integrating the new tables, we also implemented new filters that simplify searching and working with data in the tables. These innovations contribute to the efficiency and user-friendliness of the expanded platform. All new components had to be seamlessly connected to new API endpoints to ensure the correct display of data and the execution of actions.

Administration Expansion.

The implementation of multiple products in the customer zone required necessary adjustments in administration. Each product now has its specific access rights. It was essential to systematically design a mechanism for separating these rights and ensuring that it is not possible to add an administrator with invalid permission settings. Thanks to these steps, we achieved optimal security and clarity in managing different products in the Up customer zone.

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